Care & Repair’s Hospital to a Healthier Home service sped up the safe hospital discharge of 4,302 patients in the last 12 months, saving the Welsh NHS 25,968 bed days in the process.

The Hospital to a Healthier Home service works with NHS staff to identify older patients who are well enough to go home but cannot leave hospital due to a housing or environmental issue with their property. The service then completes fast track adaptations and home improvements to enable patients to leave hospital into a home that is warm, safe, and suitable for independently living following a hospital admission.

We were delighted to expand the service, employing 17 caseworkers last year, following the successful transition from a Welsh Government funded project to a Local Health Board funded service.

In the last 12 months, Hospital to a Healthier Home has: 

  • Received 5,524 patient referrals, directly helping speed up the safe hospital discharge of 4,302 patients back into their own home.
  • Completed over 2,700 Healthy Home Checks, to thoroughly check patients’ homes for health and safety hazards and support long-term safety and independence at home.
  • Completed 7,220 home improvements to remove safety issues to a value of £5.6m.
  • Successfully helped 423 claim their benefit entitlements, putting over £1.7m annually back into Welsh pockets.
  • Saved the Welsh NHS 25,968 bed days, the equivalent of double the bed capacity of the entire Welsh NHS.

Project Manager, Faye Patton, said:

“We are delighted that health boards continue to recognise the value the Hospital to a Healthier Home service brings to their staff and patients. This is a huge testament to our specialist Hospital to a Healthier Home caseworkers and means they can continue their excellent work making sure older people can leave hospital safely and speedily into homes that are ready for their continued recovery.”

The service helps patients like Mr Jones, aged 84, who was admitted to Ysbyty Gwynedd following a fall on his stairs at home. The Occupational Therapist referred Mr Jones to the Hospital to a Healthier Home Caseworker for an additional banister rail on the stairs. The Caseworker also completed a Healthy Homes Check and identified that Mr Jones had additional falls risks in the bathroom. Within two days, the Caseworker had organised for a Care & Repair handy person to fit these rails.

Mr Jones was initially reluctant to claim any benefits, but with the support of the Caseworker secured a council tax reduction and rebate, and successfully applied for Attendance Allowance at £89.15 weekly payment.

To find out more about Hospital to a Healthier Home and see if it operates in your area, please visit: Hospital to a Healthier Home | Care & Repair (careandrepair.org.uk)


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