Manyleb Swydd

Asiantaeth: Care & Repair North East Wales

Lleoliad: Flintshire & Wrexham

Cyflog: £35,000 (pro rata)

Oriau: 25 minimum a week worked primarily across Agency office hours

Dyddiad cau: 31/03/2025

Am y Swydd

The purpose of this role:

To assist the Agency to provide a comprehensive technical service to clients and partners including advice and project management services relating to ongoing maintenance, repair and adaptation works. This is a home visiting role.

For more job spec and more information, please download and view the recruitment pack below.

Sut i Wneud Cais

Please send an up-to-date copy of your CV and a cover letter including:

  • Introduction
  • Why you are applying for the job role
  • Using the job specification, how you meet the criteria for the role.

Please note if you do not provide a cover letter/ personal statement your application cannot be considered.

Applications should be addressed to

For an informal chat about the role please ring Mark Hughes on 07762 892995 (Tuesday to Thursday) otherwise please call 01352 758700 and we will arrange for another staff member to speak with you.

Closing date 31st March 2025 at 5pm.


Tech Officer (Part Time) - Recruitment Pack

Cyfleoedd Swydd eraill

Cofrestru i gael ein Newyddion

Os hoffech glywed mwy am y gwaith a wnawn i wella cartrefi a newid bywydau, cofrestrwch yma.