Manyleb Swydd

Asiantaeth: Care & Repair Western Bay

Lleoliad: Swansea & Neath Port Talbot

Cyflog: £27,337

Oriau: 37 hours per week

Dyddiad cau: 11/04/2025

Am y Swydd

  • Provide advice and support to promote and enable independent living for clients using the Care & Repair Group, on matters including housing repairs, maintenance, adaptations and improvements; funding for works; benefits entitlement and other relevant services.
  • Provide a full ‘Agency Service’ with strong customer focus, which is flexible, sensitive and responsive, empowering the client, supporting their dignity and independence.
  • Support the aims and principles of Care & Repair, ensuring that all clients are offered a high quality and confidential service, appropriate to their needs.

For more information about this role including a full job specification, please see the recruitment pack below that is available for download.

Sut i Wneud Cais

To be considered for interview, please complete and return the Recruitment Pack, which can be downloaded from the resources section below. CVs alone will not be considered.

Please pay particular attention to the person specification and explain how your knowledge, skills and experience demonstrate that you meet those required for the post.

Completed applications should be sent to

We would also be grateful if you could complete and return the Equal Opportunities Form. Completion of this form is optional and anonymous and, with the exception of information regarding adjustments due to disability, none of the contents will be passed to those making short listing or selection decisions.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and asked to attend for interview.

The closing date is Friday 11th April at 12 noon.


Recruitment Pack - Caseworker

Equal Opportunities Form

Cyfleoedd Swydd eraill

Cofrestru i gael ein Newyddion

Os hoffech glywed mwy am y gwaith a wnawn i wella cartrefi a newid bywydau, cofrestrwch yma.