*Welsh coming soon*

Care & Repair Cymru has been named Vulnerable Customer Support Organisation of the Year, at the Wales Energy Efficiency Awards 2023.

The award, which was sponsored by Gaeltel, recognised the work of Care & Repair’s 70+ Cymru project. The project tackles fuel poverty in Wales by supporting older people to stay warm and save energy at home.

The 70+ Cymru project has experienced and trusted Home Energy Officers across Wales, who provide free advice and practical support to older people.

Jo Harry, Project Manager of 70+ Cymru, said:

“This award means the world to us. It recognises the phenomenal work the team has done and the amazing, positive changes the team has made to people’s health, wellbeing and homes.

Cold homes cost lives, fuel poverty is fatal and we are challenging this crisis every day. Thank you, team, thank you Care & Repair movement, thank you Wales Energy Efficiency Awards!”

With energy prices skyrocketing and fuel poverty on the rise, the 70+ Cymru project is more important than ever. Find out more about the project on the 70+ Cymru project page.


Energy Efficiency Regional Awards WINNER Wales 2023

Find out more about the Wales 2023 Energy Efficiency Awards.


Cofrestru i gael ein Newyddion

Os hoffech glywed mwy am y gwaith a wnawn i wella cartrefi a newid bywydau, cofrestrwch yma.