Role specification

Agency: Care & Repair Western Bay

Location: Swansea & Neath Port Talbot

Salary: £35,000

Hours: 37 hours per week

Closing date: 11/04/2025

About the role

  • Provide an effective home adaptations and technical service to support clients to stay safe, secure, warm and independent in their own home.
  • Liaise closely with clients, contractors, architectural design services, Occupational Therapists and health and social care organisations.
  • Provide advice and supervise repair, improvement and adaptation work.
  • Assist the delivery of an efficient and effective technical service, assisting colleagues in the provision of all services and carrying out regular surveys and site supervision of on-going works.
  • Identify and develop opportunities to grow the technical service offer going forward, including increasing the number of clients.

How to apply

To be considered for interview, please complete and return the Recruitment Pack, which can be downloaded from the resources section below. CVs alone will not be considered.

Please pay particular attention to the person specification and explain how your knowledge, skills and experience demonstrate that you meet those required for the post.

Completed applications should be sent to

We would also be grateful if you could complete and return the Equal Opportunities Form. Completion of this form is optional and anonymous and, with the exception of information regarding adjustments due to disability, none of the contents will be passed to those making short listing or selection decisions.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and asked to attend for interview.

The closing date is Friday 11th April at 12 noon.


Recruitment Pack - Technical Officer

Equal Opportunities Form

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