Introduction from our Chair and Chief Executive

Demand for Care & Repair services is at an historic high, and complexity of need and the range of problems has also increased.

During the pandemic, deterioration in housing conditions went unseen and unchecked. Post-Covid, this has resulted in higher demand as well as higher numbers of beneficiaries with more complex needs. Referrals to Care & Repair from local authorities also increased as they worked through pandemic backlogs. Energy costs and inflation skyrocketed, and the cost-of-living crisis hit our beneficiaries hard, adding to increased demand.

Increasing Numbers

The number of people we helped increased from 57,000 in 2021-22 to 62,500 in 2022-23. Our number of home visits also increased by 8% to 17,000, and the value of home improvement and adaptation work we completed rose by £4m to £18.3m. The value of welfare benefits we accessed for our beneficiaries rose by £1m to £9.5m from the previous year. Complexity of need and demand volume are now at an all-time high, and we expect this trend to grow further in the coming year. This is due to rising energy prices, inflation, and many local authority housing and social care teams recruiting more staff to address Covid backlogs, resulting in additional referrals to Care & Repair.

Speaking Up for Older People

We worked hard in 2022-23 to represent the voice of older people and act as the national voice for our 13 Care & Repair Agencies to influence improved Welsh Government policy and increase funding nationally and locally to support our beneficiaries’ needs. Significant to this was the publication of our groundbreaking housing report, The State of Older People’s Housing in Wales.

We were pleased to successfully make the case for another year of funding from five Local Health Boards to continue our Hospital to a Healthier Home (H2HH) service. The service has 13 caseworkers working with hospital discharge teams in 17 hospitals across Wales to speed up safe discharges home.

Grant Increases

We successfully made the case for an extra £535,000 capital for Rapid Response Adaptations, supporting the delivery of more essential small adaptations and home improvements through the winter period, helping prevent falls, reduce hospital admissions, and speed up safe hospital discharges. We were also pleased to successfully make the case for a 6% grant increase for Care & Repair in 2023-24.

Overall, it’s been another challenging but successful year. As Chair and Chief Executive, we would like to thank everyone involved in our work during 2022-23. We are grateful to Care & Repair Agencies, Welsh Government, national and local partners, third sector partners, and all our funders.

A final word of thanks to our fantastic staff team for their hard work, inventive ideas and undoubted dedication to improving the homes and lives of older people across Wales.

Chris Jones, Chief Executive, Care & Repair Cymru
Saz Willey Chair of Trustees


older people helped to stay independent at home


jobs completed


of unclaimed benefits claimed for older people


of housing repair and improvement work


Rapid Response adaptations completed


told us they would recommend Care & Repair to others

Anthony’s Story: “They have really made my home a safer place.”

Anthony is 74 and lives with his wife near Rhos on Sea in North Wales. Once a keen tennis player, he now has osteoarthritis that affects his knees and as a result finds steps very difficult.

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The Videos we Produced in 2022-23

Senedd Debate

On 28th June 2023, Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, the Plaid Cymru Housing, Health and Social Care Spokesperson, hosted a short Senedd debate on vulnerable older homeowners living in unfit housing in Wales.

Managing Better Partnership

Care & Repair's Managing Better service offers free advice and practical help for older people who have hearing loss, sight loss, dementia, or have had a stroke.

Dementia Care in Bridgend and Cwm Taf

Managing Better Caseworkers share their experiences of helping those with dementia to live safely and independently at home.

Falls Awareness

Falls are not an inevitable part of growing older. Falls Awareness Week exists because most falls can be prevented with the right awareness.

The Reports We Published 2022-23

The State of Older People's Housing in Wales

Our groundbreaking housing report was published in January 2023, calling on Welsh Government to introduce a safety net grant for older people on low incomes living in homes unfit for human habitation. Housing disrepair amongst the owner-occupied sector can often be unseen, unchecked, and left unresolved. Using feedback from Chief Officers, Caseworkers and Technical Officers, we wanted to highlight the increasingly poor housing conditions many of our clients are living in and the difficulties associated with completing housing repairs.

The 70+ Cymru Project: Lessons Learnt from Tackling Fuel Poverty in Wales

This report highlights the successes and the significant learning gathered from Care & Repair Cymru’s 70+ Cymru project, which came to an end in March 2023. The award-winning service ran from 2021-2023 and was the only Wales-wide project dedicated to tackling fuel poverty among older people in the private housing sector.

Hospital to a Healthier Home: Three Years On

In August 2022, Care & Repair published an evaluation of our Hospital to a Healthier Home service. After three years, we wanted to take the opportunity to find out whether the service is still helping discharge older patients more quickly and safely back into their own homes, and how the service has developed over time. Since beginning in 2019, the service has received increasing referrals every year. More than 10,000 patients have been discharged through the service, saving the Welsh NHS over 62,000 bed days.


Impact Timeline

October 2022

ITV Wales News Coverage

Following the launch of our Hospital to a Healthier Home report, Care & Repair’s work was the first news piece on the 6 o’clock news on ITV Wales.

Watch Here

November 2022

Winner at the Welsh Housing Awards

Care & Repair’s Hospital to a Healthier Home service was awarded the Working in Partnership award, beating more than eight other nominees. The award recognises the service’s outstanding partnership work with the NHS in Wales.

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January 2023

Our Housing Report Launch

To mark the launch of our report ‘The State of Older People’s Housing in Wales’ we held a drop-in event at the Senedd to meet MSs and share our findings with them.

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February 2023

Winner at the Wales Energy Efficiency Awards

Care & Repair Cymru was named Vulnerable Customer Support Organisation of the Year, at the Wales Energy Efficiency Awards. The award recognised the work of our 70+ Cymru project.

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March 2023

Spring Party Conferences

We attended the Plaid Cymru, Welsh Labour and Welsh Conservative conferences, showcasing the fantastic work Care & Repair Agencies do every day to help older people
stay safe and warm at home.

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June 2023

Senedd Debate

On 28th June 2023, Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, the Plaid Cymru Housing, Health and Social Care Spokesperson, hosted a short Senedd debate based on the findings of our report, The State of Older People’s Housing in Wales.

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We are hugely grateful to each of our partners. You have enabled us to support increased numbers of older people in Wales and to advocate on behalf of older people who live with disrepair.


Commercial Members

Thank you to our Commercial Members who have collaborated with us through the year and brought more innovative products into the sector to support more people.


Our Team

We are grateful to the amazing Care & Repair Cymru team, who have worked so hard in the last 12 months.


Our Trustees

The Board of Trustees have helped direct Care & Repair Cymru this year, and we are thankful for their continued guidance.

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