The next UK Government must ensure the UK is a nation that empowers and provides housing choice to its ageing population.

Every day, Care & Repair Agencies across the UK see older people living in unfit and unsafe housing, with few opportunities for redress or to improve their situation. However, we believe there are steps the next UK Government can take to address this and to change lives through improving homes.

Priorities for the Next UK Government

Our ageing population means the Government across the UK must act now to ensure we can support older people to continue to live safely and independently at home. We must commit to tackling the housing problems faced by older people so they can live with dignity and independence in their own home for as long as they choose. Homes must be warm, safe, accessible, and adaptable across the life course.

Care & Repair across the UK believe that the next UK Government should:

  1. Enshrine a right to adequate housing in UK law
  2. Remove the housing adaptations post code lottery
  3. Implement a safety net grant for enabling works
  4. Protect home visiting services and accessible information

What We Believe

There are Care & Repair branches in communities across all UK nations. Our home visiting service means that we understand the housing needs of older people. Our Agencies have adapted over time to provide a variety of handy person services, small to large housing adaptations, home improvement measures including affordable warmth and speeding up hospital discharge, and information and advice.

Care & Repair is the older people’s housing champion. We improve homes to change lives. We do not accept that any older person should:

  • Live in a home unsuitable to their needs.
  • Become ill because they live in a cold home.
  • Live in a house that is hazardous or unfit for habitation.
  • Be without necessary adaptations to help them live independently with dignity, in their own home.


Care & Repair Scotland

Care & Repair Cymru

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