We specialise in repairs, adaptations and home maintenance, giving older people in Wales safety and peace of mind. We improve homes to change lives.

Care & Repair is a Wales-wide charitable movement, working to ensure all older people can live independently in safe, warm, and accessible homes. We believe that no older person should live in an unsafe home, that’s why our caring and trusted staff are ready to help.

With a decrease in income and physical mobility, it is no wonder that many older people struggle and feel vulnerable. Through 13 local Care & Repair Agencies, we support over 40,000 households in Wales each year, preventing thousands of hospital admissions and saving the Welsh NHS over £30m annually.

We’ve seen first-hand how improving a home can change a person’s life, while also taking the strain from loved ones, carers and health services.

We passionately believe in the rights of older people to have decent housing and to live independently for as long as they wish. Through research, campaigning for improved government policy, and working in partnership with other organisations we champion the housing needs of older people in Wales.

At Care & Repair, we do not accept that any older person should:
• Live in a home unsuitable to their needs
• Become ill because they live in a cold home
• Live in a house that is hazardous or unfit for habitation
• Be without necessary adaptations to help them live independently with dignity in their own home

Our Vision

A Wales where all older people can live independently in warm, safe and accessible homes.

Our Mission

We provide leadership, expertise, innovation, advocacy, resources and evidence to support investment that ensures all older people in Wales can live independently in warm, safe, accessible homes.

Our Movement

Care & Repair is a Wales-wide charitable movement, and consists of Care & Repair Cymru and 13 Care & Repair Agencies. The Care & Repair Agencies deliver our services face-to-face with older people. Care & Repair Cymru operate as the national body providing expertise, advocacy and resources.

Care & Repair Agencies

Care & Repair Agencies work face-to-face with older people delivering services. Between them, they cover every corner of Wales and visit more than 17,000 homes every year.

All 13 Care & Repair Agencies are not-for-profit organisations, and passionately believe that no older person should live in cold, unsafe housing.

Contact your local Care & Repair Agency if you need our services in your home.

Find your agency
Cold home?
Dangerous steps?
Leaking gutters?
Fuel debt?
Broken lights?

We can help you.

Contact your local Care & Repair agency today.

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