It is 45 years since the first home improvement agency began in Wales, with the aim of supporting older people to live safely at home.

Since the establishment of the first agency in Ferndale in 1979, Care & Repair has grown into a renowned national charity, profoundly impacting the lives of older people right across Wales.

The importance of Care & Repair’s work is increasingly acknowledged for improving health outcomes and supporting independent living. In 2023 alone, Care & Repair saved the Welsh NHS around £24m due to fewer hospital admissions and ambulance callouts.

In the same year, Care & Repair delivered £21.8 million in housing repairs and improvements, completed 60,258 jobs, and helped secure £12.5 million in unclaimed benefits for older people.

Care & Repair’s services have evolved over the years. Initially focused on poor housing conditions in the valleys and rural areas, the organisation now integrates housing with health and social care in every corner of Wales. The Hospital to a Healthier Home service, delivered by Care & Repair, finally went Wales-wide in 2019 and now partners with 17 hospitals across five local Health Boards.

45 Year Timeline

To mark the anniversary, we have published a report featuring a Care & Repair timeline and a summary of the current challenges facing older people in Wales.

45 Years: Report and Timeline

Gallery - Care & Repair Through the Years

Jayne Bryant MS, Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government:

“Reaching this milestone is testament to the incredible impact that Care & Repair has had in supporting older people to remain independent in their homes and communities. Through their invaluable services, they have empowered so many individuals to maintain their independence and dignity – whether it’s through the delivery of home adaptations or providing advice or practical assistance, the positive impact of their work is evident in the lives of those that they support.

“Their dedication to making homes safer, more comfortable, and more accessible has undoubtedly helped countless people to stay connected to their communities and live fulfilling lives in the places they know and love. This commitment to fostering a society that greatly values its older generation and the dedication to improving the quality of life for disabled and older people is truly inspiring and it deserves to be celebrated.”

Timeline — A History of Care & Repair in Wales


A New Initiative in Ferndale

The first home improvement agency in Wales begins in Ferndale in 1979. The Ferndale Home Improvement Service (FHIS) was supported by Shelter and the Housing Association Charitable Trust (HACT).


Welsh Office Support

The Welsh Office decide to match fund six Care & Repair pilot schemes. They also fund a Care & Repair Development Officer post for Wales, supported by Care & Repair Ltd and based at Corlan Housing Association offices in Cardiff.


Care & Repair Cymru Launches

On 25 October 1991, Nicholas Bennett MP and a member of the Select Committee on Welsh Affairs, launches Care & Repair Cymru (CRC) at an event at Cardiff Castle. CRC is established as the national body for the new Care & Repair schemes, of which there are 18 by 1992.


Rapid Expansion

10-year anniversary of the Welsh Office funding is celebrated with events at Llandaff Cathedral and Swansea Grand Theatre. Expansion continues and by 1997 there are 27 Care & Repair Agencies in Wales.


Wales-Wide Coverage

In 2002 the vision of a Wales-wide service is achieved. The Welsh Government also commits to funding a new Care & Repair service called RRAP (Rapid Response Adaptations Programme).


New Brand

The green circle logo is introduced, as is a new strap line. These are adopted by all Care & Repair Agencies making for a unified brand right across Wales.



Due to funding reduction, Care & Repair Agencies enter into a process of merging. 22 Agencies for each county reduces to 13. At the same time, Care & Repair Cymru becomes a registered charity and starts a programme of fundraising.


Innovative Projects

A series of successful funding bids leads to Care & Repair delivering new projects across Wales. Managing Better (2016), The Attic Project (2017), Hospital to a Healthier Home (2019), and 70+ Cymru (2020) all reach new people and increase the service offer substantially.

Today and Beyond

What does the future hold?

Today, the challenge facing many older people in Wales is significant disrepair. A combination of the Covid-19 pandemic, costs of living crisis and contractor shortages has meant that much disrepair has gone unchecked and unresolved. We are actively seeking solutions to this present and future challenge.

From Wear and Tear to Disrepair

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