This guide takes you through each of the separate measures of support available to you.

Wales Winter Fuel Support Scheme

How much?


Who is eligible?

People who are responsible for paying home energy bills and receive one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Working Tax Credits
  • Child Tax Credits
  • Pension Credit
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Carers Allowance
  • Contributory Benefits
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS)

How will I receive it?

You need to apply to your local authority from 26th September 2022. Each local authority may have different arrangements for processing applications.

When will I get it?

Autumn / winter 2022/23. Each local authority will have its own schedule and can let you know details when you apply. Click here to find your local authority.

This is a one-off payment of £200 to provide support towards paying winter fuel bills. This is in addition to the winter fuel payment offered by the UK Government. The payment will be available to all eligible energy customers, regardless of how they pay for fuel. This includes payments made on a pre-payment meter, by direct debit, paid quarterly or for those who use off-grid fuel. This scheme is part of a £90m Welsh Government support package to address immediate pressures on living costs. For further information on the services provided by UPDATED: Guide to all Cost of Living Financial Support for Older People, please feel free to contact us or ask someone to contact us on your behalf.

Energy Bills Support Scheme

How much?


Who is eligible?

Every person who has a domestic electricity account

How will I receive it?

Automatically from your supplier


At some point between October 2022 and March 2023.

All domestic electricity customers, with an electricity account in their name, will receive £400 direct from their electricity supplier. Electricity suppliers will automatically issue the £400 credit depending on how you pay. If you have a prepayment meter your electricity supplier will add £400 credit to the meter or issue you a voucher, if you pay by direct debit, or pay quarterly bills your electricity account will receive £400 credit. This £400 credit replaces the original £200 loan that the UK government announced earlier this year. You will not need to repay the £400. For further information on the services provided by UPDATED: Guide to all Cost of Living Financial Support for Older People, please feel free to contact us or ask someone to contact us on your behalf.

Winter Fuel Payment

How much?

£250 – £600 (varies depending on circumstances)

Who is eligible?

People born before 25th September 1956

How will I receive it?

Into your bank account


Automatically in November or December 2022 (If you have received this before, you will get it automatically. If you have not received it before, you need to make a claim – more information about this is below).

The payment amount varies from person to person depending on your circumstances. It is tax free and will not affect other benefits. The total payment you receive will include the one-off pensioner cost of living payment (see below). If you have not received a Winter Fuel Payment before you will need to make a claim. You can contact the Winter Fuel Payment Centre by phone on 0800 731 0160 or by post: Winter Fuel Payment Centre, Mail Handling Site A, Wolverhampton WV98 1LR. Access a claim form online here: Winter Fuel Payment Application Form ( Find out more about the Winter Fuel Payment here: Winter Fuel Payment: Overview – GOV.UK ( further information on the services provided by UPDATED: Guide to all Cost of Living Financial Support for Older People, please feel free to contact us or ask someone to contact us on your behalf.

One-off Pensioner Cost of Living Payment

How much?


Who is eligible?

People aged 66 or above between 19th and 25th September 2022.

How will I receive it?

Automatically, likely by direct debit.


November / December 2022

This payment is a one-off top up to the annual Winter Fuel Payment, it is tax free and will not affect any other benefits people may receive. If you already receive a Winter Fuel Payment UK Government will add this One-Off Pensioner Cost of Living Payment to it this winter. If you do not receive the Winter Fuel Payment but were born before 25th September 1956 you can claim by phone or post (some conditions apply). For further information on the services provided by UPDATED: Guide to all Cost of Living Financial Support for Older People, please feel free to contact us or ask someone to contact us on your behalf.

Cost of living Payment

How much?

Who is eligible?

Each household that receives at least one of these benefits:

  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit

How will I receive it?

In two instalments, automatically in the account where your benefit is paid.


First instalment in July, second instalment Autumn 2022.

This payment is tax-free and will not impact existing benefit claims or receipts. Details are still being finalised, and it is important to note that there are some restrictions on eligibility. To receive the first instalment, you must either have had a live claim on 25th May 2022 or have had an application on 25th May 2022 that later becomes successful. For further information on the services provided by UPDATED: Guide to all Cost of Living Financial Support for Older People, please feel free to contact us or ask someone to contact us on your behalf.

Disability Cost of Living Payment

How much?


Who is eligible?

Each person who receives at least one of these benefits:

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Scottish Disability Benefits
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement

How will I receive it?

Automatically in the account where your benefit is paid


September 2022

This is a one-off payment which the DWP will make to all people who receive one of the above benefits, it is to help meet the extra costs that people living with disabilities may have to bear. If you receive a means-tested benefit alongside a disability benefit from the above list, the Disability Cost of Living Payment of £150 will be paid in addition to the £650 Cost of Living Payment. The payment is tax free and will not impact existing benefit claims or receipts. To be eligible, you must either have had a live claim for one of the above disability benefits on 25th May 2022 or have had a live application on 25th May 2022 that later becomes successful. For further information on the services provided by UPDATED: Guide to all Cost of Living Financial Support for Older People, please feel free to contact us or ask someone to contact us on your behalf.

Pension Credit

1,000s of people in Wales are entitled to Pension Credit but do not realise it. Please check, even if you are entitled to a small amount, it can give you access to other benefits, and support with day-to-day costs of living.

How do I find out more?

Further Help

If you are unsure whether you can claim any of the above benefits, there are a number of good, independent resources available. Here are some options:


Turn2us Benefits Calculator – all benefits. Mostly online checkers but if you cannot access the internet you can telephone on 0808 802 2000, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Mondays-Fridays

Money Saving Expert

Benefits Calculator: What am I entitled to from the MoneySavingExpert – all benefits

Age Cymru

Pensions information from Age Cymru Lots of online advice and information. If you cannot access the internet you can call the helpline 0300 303 44 98 (charged at local rate), 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday – Friday or email Age Cymru at


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